Lord Krishna Outwits Brahma

One day, Lord Krishna was in the meadows with His cowherd friends and their calves. While they were playing, the calves slipped away into the forest.
When Krishna was searching for the calves, Brahma, the god of Creation, decided to play a trick on Him. He put the cowherds into a deep sleep and transported them along with the calves into a cave. When Lord Krishna returned, He realised at once what had happened. So, He created the cowherds and the calves from His multiple selves and took them home. Brahma went to Vrindavan gleefully to see the result of his trick and he was amazed to see the cowherds and the calves with Lord Krishna.
When Lord Krishna revealed what He had done, Brahma started to see the multiple figures of Him instead of the calves and the cowherds. Brahma was rendered speechless. He now understood that Krishna was no ordinary human being.

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