One day, an irate gopi entered Lord Krishna’s home. “Mother Yashoda, your child Krishna is a thief,” she thundered. “Why do you call Him a thief?” asked Yashoda. No sooner were the words out of her mouth than the gopi started complaining bitterly. “I tied a pot of curd from the ceiling so that no one might eat it. Krishna came into the house and broke the pot with a stone. He ate the curd and even gave some to his naughty friends,” said the dismayed gopi. “Do not despair, O gopi. I will keep a close watch over my son and keep Him from stealing your curd,” promised Yashoda. With great difficulty and many pleas, she was finally able to reassure the gopi. She continued to marvel at how clever her little son was. Lord Krishna became more adept at stealing butter and curd as time passed.
Lord Krishna Steals Curd