Lord Krishna’s Miracle

After all the people and animals had stood under the covers of Govardhan Hill, in a miraculous show of strength, Lord Krishna lifted Govardhan Hill with one finger to make the hill form a huge umbrella. People stopped breathing in awe! A small boy had lifted a mountain on His little finger! Everyone crowded underneath it and remained safe until the rains stopped. It poured heavily for seven days and Krishna stood still, lifting the hill all that time. Lord Indra was amazed by the powers of Krishna and ordered the clouds to retreat. As He saw this, Krishna said, “We need not worry now. The rains have stopped. You may come out now and return home.” When everyone had come out of their shelter, Lord Krishna reinstalled the mountain in its original place. Lord Indra was shocked to see this. He couldn’t believe that a little boy could perform such a miracle.

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