Draupadi’s anger was terrible. The Pandavas then left the hall to return to Indraprastha. Duryodhana, again supported by Shakuni, Karna and Duhshasana, was very angry with his father for letting this opportunity slip from their hands. He was also afraid of the Pandavas. He insisted that they should recall Yudhishthira for another game. If he lost, the Pandavas would have to go into exile for twelve years and then live in disguise for one year. If they were discovered in the thirteenth year, then the exile would begin again. Dhritarashtra, as usual, was persuaded by his son. A messenger was sent to call Yudhishthira back. Yudhishthira was addicted to gambling, and had decided not to oppose his relatives. Once again, he felt that he could not refuse the invitation. Yudhishthira lost the game and the Pandavas, seething with shame and anger, prepared for their period of exile.
Loss yet Again