Luv and Kush

A separate hut was built for Seeta in the ashrama. Despite being pregnant, Seeta helped in the work of the ashrama. All the women and the children loved her.
Nine months rolled by. One night, Seeta gave birth to twin boys. The children of the ashrama ran to tell Sage Valmiki the news. He was delighted and came to see the little ones. He blessed them and named them ‘Kush’ and ‘Luv’ respectively. In Valmiki’s Ramayana, it is stated that Kush was born from the Kusha grass.

Luv and Kusha would have been brought up like princes in the palace. But there, Seeta brought them up as hermits. The boys grew up slowly but steadily. Sage Valmiki not only taught them scriptures but also trained them in the use of all kinds of weapons. With the blessing of their preceptor they became skilled archers. The Sage made them read the Ramayana written by him. His main aim was to make them aware of king Rama of Ayodhya.

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