Luxurious Living

Once, the Buddha was preaching the people, in the neighbourhood of Savatthi. There lived a man of great wealth who suffered from many ailments. He came to the Buddha to take help. The Buddha saw the luxuries with which the man was surrounded. He saw his rich clothes and jewellery and his well-decorated horse cart. He bade him to sit with him. Then he told him that there are five things which produce the condition of which he was complaining: rich dinner, love of sleep, pleasure, thoughtlessness, and lack of occupation. The Buddha told the wealthy man to exercise self-control at meals. He also said to take on duties that will enhance his abilities and make him useful to his fellow men. The rich man heard the Buddha patiently and understood everything. He decided to follow the advice. He remembered the words of the Buddha, and after some time, recovered from his ailments.

Moral: Exercise self-control.

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