Macdonald was the lord of Saddell Castle. He wanted to get a set of trews stitched for himself. Trews were a kind of jumpsuit with the vest and the trousers stitched together and decorated with fringes. And they were very comfortable to wear. He asked the village tailor, who was a bright and cheeky man, to stitch them for him. “But there’s a condition!” said Macdonald, “You have to stitch it in the church!” Now this was not at all easy, for the church was said to be haunted! The tailor, however, took up the challenge, for Macdonald had promised him a huge payment if he stitched the trews under his condition. The tailor took a few large candles and the cloth and his kit and went up to the churchyard, where he selected a tombstone to sit on and, lighting his candle, he took up his work.

The Ghost
Putting on his thimble, the tailor began to stitch swiftly. Suddenly, the ground shook and out of the grave emerged a large head. The tailor shivered, but continued. “Don’t you see my large head?” said the ghost. “I see it!” said the tailor, “But I’ll sew this first!” The ghost was annoyed and began to emerge, bit by bit from the tomb. Each time he asked if the tailor saw his neck, shoulders, arms, body, and finally his legs. Each time the tailor replied, “I see it, but I’ll sew this first!” He continued to stitch, and finishing swiftly, he wrapped up his work and ran with the furious ghost after him. The tailor rushed into Saddell Castle and banged the great door shut! The ghost banged on the door and the wall, but couldn’t get in. He left the mark of his fingers on the stone! And Macdonald gave a great reward to the tailor!