Magical Solution

Eggs don’t float in water but in this magical solution they will.

Things Required:
2 clear plastic cups
3 tablespoonfuls of table salt
2 small eggs
1/4 teaspoonful of milk

Fill both cups three-quarters full with water. Add the milk to one cup of water. Add and stir in the salt to the second cup of water. Write the word MAGIC on this cup. Place an egg in each cup.

This Is What Happens:
The egg floats in the MAGIC solution, but sinks in the milky solution.
Note: If the egg does not float in the magic solution, add more salt to the water.

Science Behind It:
The milk was added only to give the water a cloudy appearance like the MAGIC salt water. The egg floats because it is not so heavy as the salty water. The heavy salt water is able to hold the egg up. The egg in the milky water is heavier than the water; thus it sinks.

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