Magnetized Links (Physics Experiments)

As in every horror movie, when a person gets bitten by a vampire, he or she will soon transform into one of the undead. People who are then bitten by this new vampire will also become vampires. It’s a deadly chain. From bite to bite, victim to victim, the existence of vampires continues. This experiment shows such properties of magnet.
Things Required:
Bar magnet
A handful of small iron washers
Fill a dish with small iron washers. Gently lie the magnet onto this pile. Slowly pick up the magnet. What do you see? Do the washers form a hanging bridge? What part of the magnet do they stick to? Can you explain why the washers behave as they do?
This Is What Happens:
A magnetic force can travel “through” magnetic objects. The poles are the strongest regions of the magnet. The magnetic force “flows” from these poles to the washers that are in physical contact with the magnet. Those washers now become magnetized and they act as magnets. Any washers in contact with these magnetized washers also become magnetized so that washers in contact with these washers may become magnetized. Finally, the magnetized links from both ends of the magnet meet up and form a hanging chain.

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