Mahatma Gandhi is called “The Father of the Nation”. He was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbander, Rajkot in Gujarat. He was named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhiji studied law in England and went to South Africa to practice there. He saw how badly the Indians were treated by the whites over there and felt he must do something. He came back to India and started a movement to make people aware that they must all help to free India from the British rule. He suffered a lot for the country and was sent to jail many times. He taught the people of India to fight with non-violence and succeeded in his mission. On August 15, 1947, India got her freedom. He was shot dead by Nathuram Godse on January 30, 1948. As he fell, he cried God’s name, and asked God to help him.
Jail – prison, Non-violence – without violence, Freedom – independence