Make Beeswax Lip Balm

Your teen may think he’s too grown up for cut-and-paste arts and crafts, but he’ll be delighted to create something useful and trendy. Lip balm made out of beeswax is one of the simplest do-it-yourself activities, and it’s fun to make! If you have a farmer’s market near by, make him shop there for the beeswax, and learn a little bit about the farm it came from. Use this as an opportunity to have a discussion about the benefits of buying locally.

What You Need:
❑ 2 tbsp coconut oil
❑ 1 tbsp of beeswax
❑ ½ tsp honey
❑ ¼ tsp baking soda
❑ Several clean tin lids, or small tin or glass jars
❑ 1 microwave-safe bowl
❑ 1 fork or whisk
❑ Wax paper
❑ Saran wrap or aluminum foil
❑ Essential oils (optional)
What You Do:

  1. Make him place the beeswax and coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl. He should use less beeswax for a softer lip balm or the entire tablespoonful for a firm lip balm.
  2. Cover the bowl with a piece of wax paper and heat the beeswax and coconut oil in the microwave for 3 minutes, checking it every 30 seconds to make sure it doesn’t overheat.
  3. After the mixture is melted, ask him to take it out of the microwave, being careful not to spill it or burn herself.
  4. Invite him to add the baking soda, honey and essential oil to the mixture. Whisk together, using the fork, for at least a minute.
  5. After the mixture has appeared consistent throughout, help him pour it equally among the tin lids or jars.
  6. Make him carefully place the containers into the refrigerator; let cool. If you do not have access to a refrigerator, ask him to set the tin lids aside in a cool area to give it a chance to harden.
  7. Place a piece of plastic wrap over each tin of lip balm to keep dust out and moisture in. If using small jars, simply close them up with their accompanying lids.
    He can keep one for himself, and give one as a gift! Make him personalize his homemade lip balms by experimenting with the addition of his favourite essential oils, as well as working to find the right flavour and consistency.

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