Make hay while the Sun Shines (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

Meenu was one of the most brilliant children of the school. She used to get over 90% marks in the class. She was the favourite student of her teachers.
One day, the principal called her in his office and asked her whether she was interested in becoming the Prefect of the school. Meenu said that it was a responsible job and she did not wish to take that responsibility. The principal told her to think over the matter and tell her after two days. The next day Meenu asked his elder sister, whether she should take up the responsibility of a Prefect. Her elder sister adviced her to immediately say ‘yes’ to the principal. It was a good opportunity of her life and she must immediately grasp the opportunity, else she would regret for losing it.
Now, Meenu relised that it was a prestigious job and she would get an opportunity to serve her school this way.
Meenu told the principal that she was interested in becoming the Prefect of the school. The principal patted her back and made her the Prefect of the school.
MoralWe must grab the opportunities immediately that come in our way. Make hay while the sun shines.

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