Making Finger Monocle (Biology Experiments)

Learn to make a monocle in an easy way.
Thing Required:
Roll one index finger in tightly to form a very tiny hole about the size of the point of a writing pen. Hold the newspaper close enough to your eyes so that the print may just be barely blurred. Close one eye and with the open eye look through the hole made by your index finger at the blurred newsprint.

This Is What Happens:
The words are less blurred and more readable.
Science Behind It:
Light reflects off the newsprint to your eye. As the paper approaches the eye, more light from all directions enters the eye causing the images to appear blurred. The eye pupil closes down to restrict the amount of light. But by covering the eye with the hand, more light can be blocked. The smaller amount of light entering through the tiny hole made by the finger allows a sharper image to be formed on the retina of the eye.

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