Making Limewater (Chemistry Experiments)

The purpose of the experiment is to make a testing solution for carbon dioxide.

Things Required:
Lime (used in making pickles)
2 glass quart jars with lids

Fill one jar with water. Add 1 tablespoonful of lime and stir. Secure the lid; allow the solution to stand overnight. Decant (pour off) the clear liquid into the second jar. Be careful not to pour any of the lime that has settled on the bottom of the jar. Keep the jar closed. This limewater will be used in other experiments to test for the presence of carbon dioxide.

This Is What Happens:
The liquid is milky white and opaque at first. Large particles of lime start to precipitate. Precipitate means to fall downward. After standing overnight the liquid is very clear.

Science Behind It:
Opaque means that light cannot pass through, and thus one cannot see through it. The undissolved particles of lime are temporarily suspended in the water, making it appear milky and opaque. It takes time for all of the tiny particles to settle. The clear liquid is a saturated solution of lime-water. It must be covered to prevent carbon dioxide in the air from dissolving in it.

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