There are men who just surrender to whatever comes—they say ‘it was so destined, it was so fated’. This is the coward’s attitude. True that there are turns of fortune and they determine our life. But efforts can change the direction of the wind. Will can move mountains. Man should keep on with his efforts; he should not surrender but should keep fighting on. ‘If winter comes can spring be far behind’, so poet Shelley’s faith in oneself; in one’s capacities and capabilities can turn the tide. Nothing is impossible for a man who possesses self-confidence and self-reliance. Misfortunes, if they come, should be treated as test times; they test your endurance, your forbearance, your fortitude and dusk always turns into dawn. If one sits holding his head that there is all darkness, where to go, let him take steps forward and there would be light at the end of the tunnel. Man can make or mar one’s life, fame and fortune. Nothing is impossible to be achieved for a strong-willed man. Man is the maker of his fate and God also helps those who help themselves. There are trials and tests—God presents them but He also rewards them with results which are won by one’s own efforts. Man makes his fate—not fate the man.