Mangalamurti Ganesha

Angarak went to the banks of River Narmada and started deep penance. Lord Ganesha was very pleased with his devotion and strict, disciplined worship. He appeared before Angarak in a dance posture (Nritya Ganesha). He also gave him a blessing that all his wishes would come true. After some time, Angarak built Ganesha’s shrine and gave it the name, ‘Mangalamurti’. There is another legend behind Angarak’s birth. On being separated from Sati, Shiva was very unhappy. A drop of his sweat fell on the ground, out of which a child was born. Mother Earth raised this child and named him ‘Bhaumakumar’. Now, Bhaumakumar was Shiva’s devotee. Shiva blessed him and asked him to pray to Ganesha in order to complete his prayers. Because of his red complexion, Bhaumakumar was known as ‘Angarak’.

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