Many a little makes a mickle (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

Little Bunny was the darling of everyone in the family. He would not only love his family members, but also love everybody around him. He loved his friends, neighbours, classfellows and everybody else around him, that was the reason why he has become dear to all.
Little Bunny was not only good natured, but was also brilliant and wise. He would save his pocket money daily in a money bank. He knew that by saving a little of money daily, he could create a big treasure. One day, his father was seriously injured in an accident. This was a terrible blow for the entire family. Mother rabbit did not have enough money to treat Father rabbit. Little Bunny came forward and gave all the money that he has saved in the money bank. It was quite a big amount. He has saved Rupees Ten thousand till now. Mamma rabbit got Papa rabbit treated in a private hospital and Papa rabbit became hale and hearty soon. Papa rabbit and Mamma rabbit embraced Little Bunny for saving Papa rabbit’s life.
MoralAs a mickle gets filled up by pouring little of water in it everyday, the same way we can make a big treasure by saving little our money everyday.

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