Mapping Magnetic Fields (Physics Experiments)

By using the compass you will be able to map the invisible magnetic fields in this simple and easy experiment.
Things Required:
Bar magnet
Place a magnet in the centre of a sheet of paper and carefully trace out its shape. Bar magnets are rectangular.
Now place the compass on the same sheet of paper a few inches from the magnet. Draw its outline onto the paper. Observe the direction that the compass needle points. Pick up the compass and draw the direction in which the needle was pointing. Place the compass in another nearby spot. Again, trace its outline and draw in the direction of the needle. Keep going until a pattern emerges.
This Is What Happens:
A compass needle is a tiny, lightweight magnet. It reacts to both the Earth’s magnetic field and to the fields of any nearby magnets. When it was placed close to the bar magnet, the needle rotated so that it might aligne with the invisible field of the magnet.

By moving the compass, you were able to uncover the extent and direction of the lines of force of the bar magnet.

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