Matsar Surrenders to Ganesha

Matsar stared in disbelief when he saw the ganas and the gods defeating his army easily. He quicky sent his two sons to the warfront. Unfortunately, they too were killed. Matsar was devastated by his sons’ death, but he had to face Vakratund. With an axe in his left hand and a sharp-edged discus in his right, the four-armed Vakratund appeared magnificently powerful. Vakratund had grown manifold, having attained a gigantic size (mahakaya) and shone like a thousand suns (suryakotisamaprabha). This form was far from the sweet-ball munching roly-poly Ganesha. After one glance at this grand sight, Matsar realised that he could never defeat such a powerful being. He took his ministers’ advice to find out how to proceed further. He was advised to surrender before such a formidable opponent rather than lose his life. So, Matsar begged for forgiveness. Matsar’s life was spared by Vakratund, but he was told to give back the kingdom to the gods and to live peacefully with his demon brethren. Matsar agreed and Vakratund, too, assumed his normal, pleasing form.

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