Mattie and the Blue Cat

Mattie was looking for an adventure, but she couldn’t find any. All that happened was that she went to school, sat in the classroom, did lessons, came home, did homework, helped her mother and fell asleep after dinner. How boring her life was!
But she did not know that among her toys was a magical clown. He used to hear her talking to herself and decided that he would give her an adventure.
One night when Mattie was falling asleep, she heard a sound like someone tapping on her window pane. She sat up and saw a beautiful blue cat on the window sill. It was pawing the window and purring.
Mattie scrambled out of her bed and opened the window. The blue cat jumped in and smiled happily at Mattie, “Hello, Mattie! Shall we go into the garden?”
Mattie looked at the cat in amazement. “Who are you?” she asked. “I’m Cobalt, the blue cat. People call me Cobby.”

Mattie quickly put on a coat over her pyjamas and followed Cobby out of the window. She didn’t quite know how she reached the garden, but she found it was changed from what she saw in the morning.
The garden was lit with huge paper lanterns and there were little people working with hoes, spades and shears on the flower beds, the hedges and the trees! And she rubbed her eyes as she saw fairies flying around with small buckets of paint and brushes, colouring everything!
Mattie found that Cobby cat was sitting in a corner and playing on a flute. Next to her sat the toy clown drumming on a small drum. After a while the music stopped and the lights, the little people and the fairies vanished!
Mother came to wake Mattie up and found her fast asleep holding the toy clown. That night, the Cobby cat came again. This time it took Mattie flying over the treetops, while the clown sat on the roof and cheered! But once again, everything vanished and Mattie found herself back in her bed.

The next night, Mattie found a lake in her garden and Cobby cat was sitting in a little boat with the clown. Mattie had a lovely time rowing the boat on the lake in the moonlight.
She awoke thinking that she had been having wonderful dreams. Then suddenly, she looked at the toy shelf. There, beside the toy clown, sat a small furry blue cat!

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