Meet the Goofers

The Goofers lived in a cottage near the forest. Mr and Mrs Goofer had seven children and eleven nephews and nieces living with them. So, their house was like a circus! They were friendly and boisterous. One day, Prince Homer was passing by on his way to the forest. He was astonished seeing the number of people spilling out of the cottage! A pretty young maid was laughing and chasing the younger children and the prince fell in love with her. Mrs Goofer came out and happily offered him some wine and cakes. Prince Homer was welcomed like an old friend. Mr Goofer spread out all the food on a table under the trees and all his attendants were also looked after. Never had Homer enjoyed himself so much as the children ran about and scrambled up trees and tumbled everywhere! He decided that he would marry Mr Goofer’s daughter, Miranda!

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