Silver Plume understood that it was wiser to examine the outsider from a distance before deciding whether to make friends with him or not. “The parrot has come first, Sir. So, let us call him in first and then invite King Meghavarna,” advised Chakravaka. So, the parrot was called and then Meghavarna was invited. The parrot was an arrogant messenger. He told King Silver Plume to accept King Jewel Plume’s superiority or to leave his kingdom. Silver Plume was furious at the parrot. Meghavarna jumped up to punish the arrogant messenger. But wise Chakravaka calmed him down. “The parrot is only a messenger, Sir,” he said, “We must hear him without reacting to his words even if he is rude, because we would like to know all that he has to say, before we decide what to do.” So, they sent off the parrot courteously.
Meeting the Messenger