Meeting with Shabari

Looking for Seeta, Rama and Lakshmana walked towards Mount Rishyamooka. Their way lay through Pampa Pond. Lakshmana took great care of his brother Rama and served him well during those tense moments. They had no clue as to where to find Seeta; yet, they kept walking.
Several ashramas were there around Pampa Pond. The ashrama located just near the pond was of Sage Matanga. In the hut, there lived his disciple Shabari who was a tribal woman. The great Sage had told her that Rama could bless her with his presence. So, she was waiting to meet Rama before seeking her salvation.

When Rama and Lakshmana came to her hut, she was overwhelmed with joy. She had only a few berries to offer them. Placing them on a leaf she sat down tasting each berry in turn. She gave Rama only the sweet ones to eat. Rama ate them with great relish. Lakshmana did not eat the half-chewed berries. Then, Rama asked her about Seeta. Shabari told him to befriend Sugreeva. When they left, Shabari lit a fire and consigned herself to the flames.

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