Megan Walks again


Megan had met with an accident. She could not walk. After a few days at the hospital, the doctors declared that she was fine and could go home. Megan said, “But I cannot walk!” Megan’s grandfather said, “That’s what you believe, just like the elephants. There was once a mahout. He took care of elephants. One day, a man came to see the mahout. He saw many elephants in a row. Their legs were tied to thin ropes. He advised the mahout to tie the elephants with thick chains, lest they should break the ropes and run away. The mahout said he had those elephants since they were babies. He tied their legs with the same thin ropes and they couldn’t break free. As they grew, they continued to believe that they couldn’t escape. So they stopped trying.” Megan took one step at a time and slowly, she began to walk!

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