

Sienna did not like her neighbour’s cat, Tom. She found him very rude. Every time Tom saw Sienna, he would hiss at her and walk away with his tail high in the air. ‘What is wrong with the cat?’ Sienna wondered. One day, Sienna went out cycling. In her excitement, she cycled away from her street. As it became darker, she realised she was lost. She first turned left, then right but she just couldn’t find her house or her street. Alone and scared, she started crying. Suddenly, Sienna heard a cat’s “Meow!” It was Tom! He came to her and rubbed against her leg, which comforted Sienna. Then Tom started doing something very strange. He would meow at Sienna and then walk a few steps. This went on for some time, till a confused Sienna understood that Tom wanted her to follow him. So, she followed him and he led her right up to her front door. Sienna and Tom became best friends since then.

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