

Common name : Millipede

Scientific name : Diplopoda

Family : (class) Diplopoda

Native to : Worldwide distribution

Interesting fact : While they actually have only 40 to 200 legs, these bugs are very often known as ‘thousand leggers’.

From 2 mm to 40 cm, the millipede is a lot like a centipede; the only differentiating factor is that the millipede has more legs for its body length than the centipede. They can be found under logs of wood and rocks. Their diet is comprised of decomposing vegetation, faeces, organic matter, etc. They are known to help break down and aid in the decomposition of leaf litter. The female lays about 500 eggs on the ground during spring. If threatened, it balls up and releases a foul-smelling liquid to keep predators away.

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