Mischievous Charles

Charles was a mischievous dinosaur; he loved playing pranks on everyone all the time. Sometimes his mischiefs would get out of hand and hurt others, but Charles continued his pranks anyway. One day, Charles’ siblings decided to teach him a lesson. So one night when everyone was in bed, almost asleep, Charles’ siblings flicked the lights on-off-on-off, repeatedly. The flickering of the lights scared Charles a little and the scary noises made by his siblings completely frightened him. Charles called out to his siblings for help, but obviously none responded. Everyone continued scaring Charles until he started crying loudly causing mummy and daddy dino to come rushing in the room! As soon as they entered the kids’ room, the prank was put to an end. When the lights came on and Charles saw everyone, he realised his mistake, accepted the prank as punishment and promised to mend his ways.

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