Model Fire Extinguisher (Chemistry Experiments)

Make your own fire extinguisher with a few materials you can find around your house.
Things Required:
A large, wide-mouth jar with lid
2 cups of water
3 tablespoonfuls of baking soda
1/2 cup of vinegar
A large nail
A spoon
A small jar
First, on a rock outside or on an old workbench or board, turn the lid of the large jar over, and with the hammer and nail pound a large hole through it.

Pour the water into the large jar. Add and mix in the baking soda. Fill the small jar with vinegar and gently place it, without a lid, into the large jar, making certain that the vinegar jar does not spill its contents. Screw the punctured lid onto the large jar. Turn the lid away from your face and tip the jar towards the sink.
This Is What Happens:
A foamy liquid spurts out of the hole in the lid.
Science Behind It:
Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) puts out fires when used in soda-acid fire extinguishers. In your homemade version, the vinegar (acetic acid) mixes with the baking soda to produce the carbon-dioxide gas (CO2) that smothers fires.

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