Momo Gets Lost

Sam and Mike decided to go to a fair outside the town. They looked forward to spending the whole day on swings and at the stalls enjoying themselves. They decided to take Sam’s pet monkey, Momo, along. It would be fun for him too.
They reached the fairground soon. Momo liked the swings best. He had a great deal of fun swinging on them and on all the bars and rings that he saw all around him. Then they got some bananas for him and went to the stalls.
Sam and Mike wanted to play all the different games. There was a hoopla stall, with toys to be won by throwing a ring around them. Then there were a lucky dip, a train ride, guessing the weight of a baby, a game of darts, shooting balloons and a hall of mirrors. Each time they went to a stall, Momo would swing on the ropes outside and eat from the bag of peanuts that Sam carried always.

Sam won a teddy bear. Mike won a toy car and a clockwork mouse. Momo looked at all the toys and picked the teddy bear up. He decided this was a good friend to have!
Soon they arrived at the stall where they had to shoot balloons to win gifts. Momo was swinging on a rope when he heard the sound of a shot from the air gun. He was terrified! He jumped out of the stall and scampered up on top of the tent before either Sam or Mike could grab him.
Momo was frantic with fright, so he ran helter-skelter all through the fair. And Sam and Mike raced after him. They knocked against people, crashed into tables set up for the stalls and fell over ropes and pegs. Within minutes, there was chaos at the fair. People were yelling and fighting with one another.

Finally, Sam and Mike sat down on a bench, exhausted. There was no sign of Momo anywhere. How were they going to find him ever? Suddenly, Sam remembered a song that Momo loved to listen to. He would only go to sleep if Sam sang it to him.
Sam began humming it softly. As the song became louder, they kept looking around. Momo’s small face appeared on a tent near by, but Sam kept singing. It was his beloved Sam. He ran and put his arms around Sam’s neck. Sam hugged him as he and Mike walked back home with Momo. He never wanted to get lost again!

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