Monkeys searched for Sita in every forest. They asked every Brahmin, sage and passer-by who met them on their way. They all were very tired and thirsty but could not find water. Hanuman climbed over the mountain’s-peak and looked around. At some distance, he saw a cave in the ground where many birds were entering. He took all the monkeys there and entered the cave. Inside the cave was a beautiful garden with a pond. There was a temple and a lady was sitting there. Monkeys drank water and ate tasty fruits. The lady then asked everyone to close his eyes. They opened their eyes after sometime and found that they were on the sea-shore. The monkeys were worried as one month had passed but they had no news of Sita. Just then, a vulture named Sampati saw them. He thought of eating them. But his intentions changed when he heard the news of his brother Jatayu’s death from Angada. He decided to help the monkeys. He informed that through his sharp vision he could see Sita on the other side of the sea, sitting tense in Ashokavan in Lanka, the kingdom of demon king Ravana.

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