Derek waited for Mr. Galsfield, his mathematics teacher, to come out of the school. Derek found him strange, so he decided to follow him. He kept a safe distance from Mr. Galsfield, who lived in an old house on the edge of town. Mr. Galsfield entered his house. Derek crept behind him and stood on the porch. He peeped in through a partly open door. He saw Mr. Galsfield sit in front of the mirror, his hands below his ears. He peeled off his facial skin. A horrible orange face was revealed. It had slanting purple eyes, a thorny nose and a blob of red flesh as lips. Derek shrieked in fear. The monster turned around. Derek ran towards the front door just as an ugly hand tried to reach him. He slammed the door shut and got away. The monster screamed in pain, as his fingers were caught in the door‑jamb. It then slowly dissolved into nothingness.
Monster Teacher