Mrs James went to the market. She had quite a few things to buy because Christmas was coming in a few days and she wanted to get presents for her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. Then there were gifts for her housekeeper and a few good friends in the neighbourhood and at the office.
So, she was carrying enough money to buy all the things she needed. She bought all the gifts and put them in the cart. Pushing it along, she reached the counter for payment. Suddenly, she saw that her purse was missing. Mrs James was horrified.
“Where’s my purse?” she said aloud. Everyone stopped to turn and look at her. “Oh, dear! My purse! It’s vanished!” and tears started rolling down her cheeks.

The girl at the counter called someone on her mike and the floor manager came immediately. She whispered something to him and he came up to Mrs James saying, “May I help you, ma’am? I am Howard.”
“I’ve lost my purse, Mr Howard!” wept Mrs James, “It had enough in it to pay for all these gifts. And now I can’t buy anything!”
“Tell me what all you have got in the cart, ma’am. Then we can settle this,” suggested Mr Howard.
So, Mrs James followed him to an empty counter and they took out all the gifts. Mr Howard remembered from which shelf Mrs James had collected each item. He sent a couple of boys to those shelves to look for Mrs James’ purse.
“Meanwhile, ma’am, let us have a cup of coffee and then we’ll see how much all the gifts cost,” said Mr Howard.
Mrs James looked frightened. “What’s the use of that, sir? I don’t have any more money. So, I can’t buy these things now!”
Mr Howard smiled kindly, “This is the Christmas season! I’m sure we will be able to do something special for an old customer like you.”
Suddenly, a small boy came running up to Mrs James. He was holding up a large bag with flowers on it. “Is this yours?” he gasped.

Startled, Mrs James looked at the bag and the boy. “Yes! Oh, yes!” said Mrs James, “That’s my bag. Where did you find it, my dear boy? Who are you?”
“I’m Monty. I saw your bag falling off a shelf, so I came looking for you,” said the boy.
Mrs James gave him a hug and bought a toy car and some chocolates for him! She thanked Mr Howard too. This really was a good Christmas!
Moral: Honesty is its own reward.