Sam and Aiden loved rock climbing. They went hiking and climbing one weekend, but the weather forecast was not so good. “It looks like a storm is rolling in,” warned Sam. “I think we have a few hours,” protested Aiden. Finally, Sam agreed. After making sure that their ropes were secure, the boys began rappelling down the rock face. Aiden reached the base safely, but Sam was still about midway down the rock. Suddenly, the storm, which had held off so far, hit them with full force. The ropes became slippery and Sam’s foothold crumbled. He was suspended in mid-air, supported only by a single rope! Aiden immediately steadied the rope, and Sam carefully slid down a few feet, till he saw a safe outcropping of rock to use as a foothold. It was a tense few minutes, but felt like hours. Finally, Sam reached the ground safely, and the boys heaved a sigh of relief.
Mountain Adventure