Mulla and his New Wife


About a year after Mulla Nasruddin’s first wife had died, he married a widow. One day, Mulla’s new wife said, “You know, my first husband was an exemplary person.” Mulla, annoyed to hear about her first husband, responded, “Well, my first wife was incredibly charming.” “My first husband was a brilliant mathematician,” replied the wife. “My first wife was a masterful organiser.” “My first husband was remarkably strong.” Mulla became so annoyed that he pushed his new wife off the bed, causing her to injure her hand. She took him to the local judge and told him what happened. “Your Honour,” Mulla said to the judge, “we have a bed that fits only two people. But last night, when my first wife and my new wife’s first husband were added, my new wife was pushed off the bed, fell, and hurt her hand.” Hearing this, everyone in the court had a hearty laugh.

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