Mulla Sells a Turban


One day, Mulla Nasruddin went to the mayor’s mansion, wearing a fancy turban. “Wow!” said the mayor, “What a magnificent turban! I’ve never seen anything like it. How much will you sell it for?” “A thousand Thankas,” Mulla calmly replied. Just then, a local merchant turned to the mayor and remarked, “That price definitely exceeds the market value of comparable items.” “This is very expensive,” the mayor remarked to Mulla. “Well,” he replied, “the price is based on how much I bought it for and I paid a lot for it because I knew that there is only one mayor in the entire universe with taste exquisite enough to buy such a turban.” When he heard the compliment, the mayor immediately paid Mulla the price he asked for. Mulla then walked over to the merchant and said, “You might know the market values of turbans, but I know the market value of complimenting the mayor.”

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