I live in a joint family. My grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt, brother, sister and a cousin sister, all of us live together with my parents.
My uncle is an army officer. He is away on duty most of the year. But aunt Shilpa and her daughter Teena live with the family. Kunnoo is my brother and Esha is my sister.
All of us kids play, do home work and eat together. We go to the same school.
Joint family is a great fun. You are never alone. My grand parents are such a good story tellers. We kids adore them. My father works for a T.V. News Channel. Sometimes he takes my mother along to work. But no worry. Aunt Shilpa takes care of us. Grandpa takes us to our school every morning. At noon, the grandma gets us back home. At home aunt Shilpa keeps lunch ready for us hungry kids.
Our Sheroo is another member of my family. He is a Afghan sheep dog.