My father (Dynamic School Essays)

My father is a very good natured man. He is a bank officer. He has never cheated anyone in his life. He has never taken any bribe. He doesn’t like people who steal others money. He hates cheaters. He is a very kind hearted person. He helps poor and needy people. He gives tenth part of his salary to poor people, who don’t have food to eat.
My father is very fond of listening to religious songs. He enjoys spiritual songs sung by religious singers. My father is also fond of good film music. He sometimes dances to the songs of good films and make us dance too.
My father teaches us after having his evening tea. He makes studies interesting by cracking jokes. He also makes funny faces to make learning more interesting.
We all love to learn things from him. He has taught us atleast 10 lessons within a week. I have got 90% marks because of my father’s wonderful teaching skills. I love my father and my father loves me too.
1. Tick mark (✓) to right statements and (×) to wrong statements :
(a) The word ‘spiritual’ is associated with God.
(b) Lessons become more interesting when they are taught with cartoons and gestures.
(c) We should never cheat anyone in our life.
(d) We should give a small part of our income to needy people.
(e) We must tell lies.
(a) ✓ (b) ✓ (c) ✓ (d) ✓ (e) ×

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