My Kitchen Garden

We have a small kitchen garden in our house.
We grow vegetables and fruits in our kitchen garden.
Some of the fruits that we grow are guavas, pomegranates and papayas.
I water these plants regularly.
We grow vegetables according to the season.
Some of the vegetables we grow in the kitchen garden are cauliflowers, cabbages, ladies’ fingers, brinjals, tomatoes and potatoes.
I help my parents sow the seeds.
I put good seeds into the soil and they grow up into plants. I put manure in the soil regularly.
Then plants and fruits grow up healthy.
The kitchen garden gives us fresh fruits and vegetables.
This saves a lot of money.
Answer the following questions
1 What do we grow in the kitchen garden?
(a) metals (b) flowers (c) fruits and vegetables (d) none
2 Name a fruit that we grow in our garden.
(a) banana (b) apple (c) cherry (d) papaya
3 Name a vegetable that we grow in our garden.
(a) tomato (b) coriander (c) mint (d) squash
4 I put __ in the soil regularly.
(a) water (b) manure (c) flowers (d) none
5 Give the plural of ‘house’.

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