My School Library

My school library is situated in a big hall. There are lot of almirahs and racks etc, to keep the books. Books of different subjects are kept in different shelves according to number and date of purchase. In the centre, there are tables surrounded by chains and long benches. A large number of newspapers both in English and Hindi, Magazines and periodicals etc. are kept on the tables. Students and others can read them according to their choice. Books are provided by library attendants on demand to students either to in the library or to borrow them and take them to home for a fix time or a fix period. If a student or teacher borrows a book for study at home then librarian enters in a register with the name of books and gets signatures of those who borrow them. Books have to be returned within the time fixed otherwise charge or penalty is taken for late returning of the book.
The walls of the library are decorated with mottos, proverbs, maps, charts and men and famous authors of the world. There is complete peace and calm in the library. In library talks or making noise and loud discussions are not permitted. There are notice boards outside the library in which order or news about the school is displayed. “A thought for the day” is also written stylishly on a thick paper and pinned there for the readers to ponder rover it.
Duty of librarian is to manage the library on sound lines and to keep the records of issue books. Library attendants keep a vigilant eye so that book may not be stolen or pages may not be torn.
Thus my school library is one of the best libraries of the city. It fulfills the need of about two thousands students of my school. Libraries now a day depict the greatness of the institution and provide avenue of studies and of recreation.
Whisper—speaking in a low tone

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