My uncle odd

My uncle Punnu is the odd one of our family. He has no steady job. He never tried to do any business.
My father disapproves of him but I like him. He is very carefree and jolly. Infact, all kids like him. He tells stories, jokes and is a good mimic. For me he is a bundle of entertainment.
Punnu uncle knows several magic tricks. Out of nowhere he produces an egg from the air. He has a magic wand that turns into flowers and makes things vanish. A number of card tricks he can show. From his magic hat he produces a rabbit. An egg instantly turns into a pigeon.
Sometimes people hire him to entertain their guests at parties. He takes me along. With his magic tricks and funny acts he regales everyone. The children adore him.
My mother tells him to get married and settle down. I also like the idea because then, he would never go away from me. I feel sad when he says, “Good bye kid…till we meet again.”

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