Naomi and Her Daughter-in-Law

In those days, women were not allowed to work, and Naomi had no son and husband. The people of Bethlehem had already heard her plight and allowed to her to pick up crops that were left over in the field. One day, Naomi went to a field, were she was busy picking the reap of crops that were left behind by the reapers. Boaz arrived at the field and he observed a foreign girl picking the leftover crops. His man told him that she was the daughter-in-law of Naomi. He walked close to her and allowed her to pick the grains she required from his field. She was puzzled with his kindness and asked him the reason for the same. He replied saying that she was good to Naomi, and thus God had chosen the best way to keep her safe as well. When she returned back home and told Naomi about the incident, she was informed that God had lead to her to one of her relatives who was a kind person.

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