Neck is very important part of the body in term of anatomy and physiology. Oesophagus, trachea, spinal cord, artery, vein and backbone lie inside the neck working like a bridge between head and trunk. Neck plays important role in fixing the head on torso, revolving the head in different directions, doing up and down, seeing left or right etc.
Vocal cords and thyroid gland also exist inside the neck. Neck is helpful in taking meals and breath. In addition to this, artery and vein, which supply blood to brain, are also the integrated part of neck. Spinal cord, existed inside the neck. Neurotransmission, outflow and inflow from brain through the spinal cord. In this way neck is a very important part.
Neck was also developed with the biological evolution of man. Scientists have come to conclusion on the basis of anthropological evidences that the perspective of neck has also been changed along with biological, mental and social development of man. Backbone, skull and pelvic bone of the man and gorilla have been shown in figure 35. Anthropologists believe that man has been developed from primitive animal species such as monkey, chimpanzee and gorilla. Gorilla and chimpanzee was the ancestor of man. If we study the survical spinal of man and gorilla, we come to know that neck of the gorilla is shorter than man and gorilla’s head was inclined frontward, but man’s neck was absolutely straight on ninety degree. Backbone of the man is straight, but gorilla’s backbone has been inclined frontward. Gorilla is physically more powerful than man, but man is mentally more developed than gorilla in spite of being physically weak than gorilla.

Man has been developed from the species of monkey dwelling in the branches of trees. Earlier ancestor of the man used to dwell on the branches of trees. It comes to our knowledge through ancient evidences recovered by anthropologists that the neck of the ancestors of the man dwelling on trees was very short. The shape and position of foramen magnum (joining point of the skull and backbone) proves that the neck of primitive man was shorter and the head was very close to shoulder, but in due course of time these species were developed and when they started living on grounds some desirable changes were also taken place in their body and such first important change was the modification of perspective of the neck.
When the ancestor of man came down on ground, they came across many violent and powerful animals. Therefore, they felt the need to be more alert and cautious, which was not possible on being their neck compact. Therefore, their neck became long as per the situation and they started seeing the view and dangers around by revolving their neck. There sight area was also increased with being their neck long and they felt easy to see the things by making their head up and down, right and left. Present perspective of neck was developed by evolution desired increasement in the length of neck as per the need of situation.
Neck is an important part of the body of man. Activity of sense organs such as eyes, nose, ears, tongue can be accomplished by the motion and help of the neck. There are five kinds of neck in view of shape and perspective.
They are :
- Compact Neck
- Artistic or Balanced Neck
- Long – Thin Neck
- Long Muscular Neck
- Defective Neck
Compact Neck : Elephant’s neck is the best example of compact neck. Elephant’s neck is closely adjoined with the body. The brain quickly receives blood, circulated by heart due to being short distance between heart and brain. If the brain has quality, its efficiency will be better. Compact neck can easily be recognised. The head of the persons having compact neck seems to be founded on their shoulder and the shape of the body is heavier than head. The neck of the Napoleon Bonaparte, who was the ruler of France, is the best example of compact neck. Neck of Napoleon was very short, his head seemed to be founded on his shoulder and his legs were also short. All in all the shape of his body was like a barrel. You know that Napoleon said that ‘Impossible’ word is found in the dictionary of stupid persons. He impressed the entire world by his ability and capacity.

On experiencing any danger around the eyes turn to that direction at once. The neck plays significant role in revolving the eyes towards the direction of danger. The persons or creatures having long neck do not need to revolve their body to see towards here and there. This work is accomplished just by turning the neck. For instance the neck of elephant is compact, therefore, the elephant can see the front only; he has to turn the whole body to see right or left. He can not see by turning his neck.
The persons having compact neck are physically strong, but they are not aware of the atmosphere and dangers around them. Their enemies take advantage of the same weakness and harm them tremendously when time comes. Such persons are laborious and firm determined to and indulge in their work without caring others. They are self-willed. They become sad on being criticised; even though they are habituated to endure small problems. Their intentions are firm. Such persons also become uncontrolled, dictator minded and tyrant on getting power. Their mind is very active. They exhibit better understanding, sagacity, farsightedness in implementing their plans and accomplishing adventurous deeds. Though such persons are sophisticated and friendly, they become violent and fierce on adverse situations and then they can not easily be won over. They become inhuman, brutal in such situation and get out of control.
Monkey, chimpanzee, elephant, rhinoceros have such type of neck. See figure 36.
Artistic or Balanced Neck : Artistic or balanced neck represents appropriate ratio, artistic constitution, beautiful shape, balance and sophistication. Pitcher like neck, graceful neck, rounded neck, balanced neck, correct proportionate neck etc. have been described in the field of arts and literature. Artistic neck has been depicted in ancient sculpture, painting, literature and music. Balanced neck looks beautiful and artistic, which represents sophistication of thoughts, delicacy, innateness, fame, grandeur, amorousness, artistic aptitude and sensitivity to environment. Such necks are of normal length and having rounded shape. The persons having balanced neck are emotional, art lovers, adjudicator of human characters and senses and give importance to feelings. They are excellent artists who are easily attracted towards music, arts, acting, literature and fine arts. They are having impressive and charming personality, but they are exploited by others due to being unskilled in practical affairs and cleverness.

The persons having artistic neck are generous, sincere, self esteemed, simple, ambitious for fame, solivagant, self-willed, imaginary and self-centred. Such persons give weightage to the feelings of others. They make specific position in the society in the field of religion, education, service, arts and music. They are idealistic, amorous, lover, well-behaved, renowned, expert in luxury, balance between spirituality and materiality and having magnetic personality easily attracted towards opposite sex. See figure 37.
Artistic neck can easily be recognised. Its width, length, constitution, shape is medium, but balanced and artistic. Artistic neck can be recognised by observing appropriate match and balance between the neck and other parts of the body such as shoulder, head and trunk.
Long-Thin neck
Long-thin neck is mostly found in birds. Heron, swan, crane, duck, crow etc. have long and thin neck. The necks of animals such as deer, camel, giraffe are the examples of long and thin neck. The creature having long-thin neck is naturally extra alert and cautious about the environment around them. They are physically weak and timid by nature. Their ears become erected, neck upstraight and eyes become alert after receiving the sound of foot steps and they run away on guessing any danger.

The persons having long-thin neck are very sensitive, fickle minded and timid. The persons having long-thin neck talk jerking and nodding their heads and slanting their neck one side. Such persons are coquettish, attentive, fastidious and talkative. They have more interest on other’s affairs and make friends by their good behaviour and soft speaking. Such persons are wanderer by nature, unstable, greedy, impatient, fond of eating and fickle-minded.
Long Muscular Neck
Long muscular and little slanted frontward necks are suitable for looking near and far. The persons having long muscular neck are full of will power and self confidence. They are habituated to work patiently and indulge in big plans for many years. They

have extraordinary mind to work and understand the mysteries of nature. Such persons are known for doing their work with eagerness, honesty, veneration and dedication. The persons having such neck are innovative of new principles, they may be a scientist, religious leader, thinker, doctor, engineer, philosopher, painter, musician, and they have intuition. Such persons perform their work totally submerged in and are continuously indulge in their work for many years. They have extraordinary patience and working power. Lord Bacon has said “Genius is only protracted patience”. Such persons do not loose their patience even in adverse situation.
The persons having long muscular neck are very advance in their thought, due to which sometimes they has to face the outrage of public. The words said by them get acceptance of the public after passing many years. Nobody can understand them at once. Although the thoughts, research foretold by them proves boon for succeeding generations, but their life is not a bed of roses. Such persons are self motivated, polite and self-willed. They have the sagacity of observing subjects and events minutely. The persons having long muscular neck are mostly self-centred, day dreamer, solicit lover and reluctant about family and social life. They have no time for physical affairs and enjoy their personal life.
Such persons are mostly involved in their own thought, due to which they look like absent-minded and people assume them insane. The words told by them are also so strange and philosophic that ordinary people can not understand their sense and rumour is also spread about their personality and nature, but their thoughts get importance when suitable time comes.
Defective Necks
Very Tiny Neck : Very tiny neck is smaller than tiny neck. Crab is a creature which has neither head nor neck. The persons having very tiny neck like a crab are effected with primitive character, misshape. They could be teaser, jealous, arrogant, selfish, cunning, undeveloped, defective and miser. Their bodies and minds are misshapen and deformed.
Very Long Neck : The persons having very long neck i.e. longer than normal like heron are self-centred, travel lover and greedy by nature. Such persons are also very suspicious, timid and talkative.
51 Pasari Domestice: Very feeble neck is the symbol of old age or physical illness. The persons having very weak neck are incapable, indolent, disappointed, angry, ambitionless, unsuccessful and having ill mentality. The neck gets slanted forward due to old age and the chin touches the chest.
Highly Curved Neck : The persons having the neck being curved from behind like camel signify the nature of conceit, diplomacy, cunning, cheat and selfish. Such persons assume themselves as a clever and possess flattery traits in their mind, but they are impudent and dull headed. If the curve is bend frontward, the person is flatterer, shameless, superficial and suffered from nervous debility and amorousness.
Highly Muscular Neck : The persons having highly muscular thick but stripy frontward neck like rhinoceros or buffaloes are inhuman, rough and tough, arrogant, senseless, amorous, hard drunkard, characterless, quarrelsome, unwise and uncivilised. Such persons are short tempered and amorous and ready to do anything to fulfill their appetite.
If the neck has two-three wrinkles due to fleshiness the person is confined to eating and enjoyment. He is gluttonous. He is over bulky than normal and mentally retarded. He takes more food than normal.