When Jawaharlal was in jail, a new army was organised under the leadership of Subhash Chandra Bose. The army of 40 thousand soldiers revolted against the British rule. Bose formed his army in Singapore and gave it the name of ‘Azad Hind Fauz’.
On the other hand Jinnah became active for forming a separate country Pakistan for Muslims.
When the second world war was stopped, the British released Nehru. This was his longest term in prison, for 1040 days or over 34 months; from 9th August 1942 to 15th June 1945.
Early in 1946, the Air Force personnels refused to obey orders at several stations in India because of their grievances about such matter as rate of demobilization and pay; and this was followed by a hunger strike of some members of R.I.A.F. So serious was the naval mutiny in Bombay, on 19th February, about 3000 ratings in the Royal Indian Navy hoisted the national flag on their ships and marched through the streets of Bombay. The result was that many industrial workers went on strike in sympathy. There was exchange of fire between British troops and the mutineers which according to the official report, were without parallel in the history of Bombay city. On the other side, after elections, Congress won with huge majority and lastly viceroy invited Jawaharlal to form an interim government.
Proposals to form interim government
Jawaharlal accepted the viceroy’s invitation and became President of the executive council and member for external affairs and Commonwealth relations. It was a small team; places were kept for Muslim League.
Jinnah’s proclamation of Direct Action Day was followed by communal killings, especially in Calcutta. Muslim communalism was on the rampage throughout Bengal. There was a chain reaction and reports of the ravage spread and in October & November Hindu communalism was on the rampage in Bihar. With the installation of the interim government, there were more outbreaks at the instigation of the Muslim League. Gandhi went on a walking tour of Noakhali district in Eastern Bengal, which had suffered much. Jawaharlal went to Bihar. Daggers had been lurking in the hearts of Hindus and Muslims. A condition of civil war had taken place throughout the country.
Muslim League was rigid on its resolutions. Hence found no other solution, Congress agreed for which they were not ready at any cost; and that was division of country. Then finally a declaration was made from both India and Britain that on 15th August 1947, India will be free and the same day it will be divided into two parts; one will became ‘India’ and the other ‘Pakistan.’