Nelson Mandela—A Great Figure

Nelson Mandela, a South African, is famous for his struggle against the apartheid policy in his country. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
He was born in 1918 to an aristocratic family. His father was Chief of the Tembu tribe. In his childhood, he listened to tribal stories depicting wars for freedom fought by his ancestors. These tales must have imbued him with strong feelings for freedom.
Nelson Mandela went to the University of Fort Hare and Witwatersrand. After earning a law degree in 1942, he joined the ANC (African National Congress) in 1944. From 1948, he was actively engaged in resistance movements against the South African government’s apartheid policy that discriminated sharply against non-whites, especially blacks. During this period, Mandela advocated violence to attain their anti-apartheid aims. He fought for the setting up of a military wing within the ANC. Not all supported his idea, but members who did were allowed to join his campaign. In 1960 the ANC was officially banned.
In 1963 Mandela was tried for plotting the violent overthrow of the government. His statement from the dock was broadcast and received international publicity. The impression he gave was that of a fierce revolutionary, a firebrand. In 1964 he and eight others were sentenced to life imprisonment. For 18 years, Mandela lived in a small cell on Robben Island, sleeping on the floor, using a bucket as his toilet and receiving only one visitor a year. He was then moved to Pollsmoor Prison until he was released. In Pollsmoor Prison, he held his newborn grandchild whom a friend secretly brought to him.
While in prison, Nelson Mandela learned and practised self-discipline. He carried himself with dignity and charmed many who met him. He was still defiant but no longer advocated violence for his cause. In fact, during his imprisonment, he held secret talks with the government to free South Africa from the apartheid system. His reputation grew, and his movement gathered strength, winning wide international support.
After his release in 1990, he continued working hard towards his goals. Finally, in 1994 he was elected President of South Africa.
Nelson Mandela is admired for his relentless struggle to free black South Africans from a cruel system that practised racism and forced them to live in poverty. He was not weakened by his 27 years in prison but retained his dignity and became a finer and wiser politician. On 6th Dec. 2013 he breath his last. His name has gone into the annals of history. He will be long remembered as a true patriot.
defiant bold
gathered collected

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