Nelly was a nervous dinosaur. Every night, she would think of the next day and start worrying. She would try to think of everything that could wrong in her day, imagining all possible scenarios, she then spent the day expecting something or the other to go wrong. Nelly’s friends, Lily and Ava, disliked this quality and would try to relax her but Nelly wouldn’t listen. One day, the whole school went for a picnic; nervous Nelly spent the entire picnic day worrying about all possible things that could wrong that day, and there were plenty. When the day was over and Nelly saw everyone happier than ever, she wanted to share the feeling. Then, Ava said, “Nelly, live in the present without worrying about future; don’t lose your today worrying about an unknown tomorrow. Let’s not cross the bridge until we come to it.” Enlightened, Nelly smiled her widest smile.
Nervous Nelly