Newspapers—Mirror of Society

With the dawn of democracy public opinion has gained great importance and newspapers play a vital role in forming public opinion. As such newspapers have been called watchdog of human rights and fourth estate of democratic set up. Government in the present age consist legislature, executive and judiciary and fourth estate supports all of them by forming public opinion about their working and performance, so press or newspapers have gained importance.
Human beings crewing for news are very great. In ancient time people used to gather news through gossip and hearsay and from travelers but with the invention of printing press newspapers became main source of getting news. The primary function of newspapers as the name suggests is to provide news of all kinds. The politicians and general public is interested in getting the news of the happenings of the world as well as in the news of their own country, city and of district. World news is called international news, country news is called national news and others are called local news.
Newspapers supply political and economic news of all kinds. They provide news of market rates of all important articles and commodities. They also supply news of sports and games. Along with all kinds of news, press supplies views through comments and editorials and short articles. As such newspapers are now not only news carries but creators of public opinion also. As democracy developed, the need for news became paramount.
Newspapers are very powerful means of propaganda. Newspapers also reflect public opinion because the public can express its view and grievances in letters to the editor by getting it published in newspapers. The leaders, administrators and managers of a concern can gain and convey their replies and views through newspapers. Thus educative value and ventilation of public grievances is very great. They form bridge between general public and ruling elite class.
Paramount—of highest importance

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