Writing was one of the talents of versatile Isaac Newton. The scientist and writers of that period had to write their work in their own hand. Most of them wrote in bland clerical language bereft of literacy finesse and beauty but Newton was an exception. His writing was thoughtful and well crafted like that of an accomplished philosopher. By his writing craft he made religion, astronomy, mathematics and natural science readable material. His power of words created following books :

  1. Method of Fluxions – 1671
  2. Of Nature’s Obvious Laws and Processes in Vegetation an unpublished work on Alchemy—1671/1675
  3. De Motu Corporum in Gurum (The Principle of Gravity)—1684
  4. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathermatica (The Principles and Philosophy of Mathematics)—1687
  5. Optics
  6. Reports as the Master of the Royal Mint—1701-25
  7. Arithmatica Universalis—1707 (Universal Arithmetic)
  8. Short Chronicle of the System of the World, Optical Lectures, the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, Amended and De-Mundi Systemate—1720 (Published Posthumously )
  9. An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scriptures—1754
  10. Observations on Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John.
A specimen of Newton’s writing

All these books are today the treasures of human legacy and are zealously preserved. They are living proofs of his scientific talent, writing proficiency, administratorship and philosophic bend of mind. These books show Newton was not merely a mathematician and scientist but much more than that. He was a thinker, philosopher, believer and an able author.

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