About the creation and life, humans are grateful to God for the priceless gift. At the same time they are fearful of its destruction. The prospect of the Doom’s day scares them. They can see a trailer of it in the form of natural calamites likes earthquakes, flood deluges, famine, droughts, tsunamis, typhoons, storms, volcanic eruptions and epidemics. Man is also mortal and perishable. What is born must die. Every specie is destined to become extinct sooner or the later. Earth itself is bound to get destroyed. Sun is to die when its fuel is spent. The universe itself has a life span at the end of which it would contract into nothingness along with time and space. All the religions without exception have predicted the time of the Doom. It has been a matter of debate. When shall it come?
Isaac Newton too contemplated over the issue. In a 1704 written manuscript of Newton he noted that according to his estimation the world will meet its doom in 2060 A.D. This guess was derived from Bible. In his prediction Newton wrote—‘I want to reveal when the earth will get destroyed. The exact forecast can not be made. Doing so will be just a speculation. Many times before such predictions had been made and proved false. I have studied Bible and according to its prediction the earth will meet its doom in 2060 AD which appears nearest to the truth to me.