
The rainy season was coming to an end.
It was the year of 527 B.C. Half of the last month had also gone by. The tail fortnight was on.
Bhagwan Mahavir was fasting. He was not taking water even. His body had gone through 72 summers. Most of his life was spent in spreading spiritual awareness among the people. Most of his teachings had become of quoted proverbs, axioms and sayings.
The moonless night of the waning phase of moon was fast approaching. Everyday huge crowds of faithfuls were gathering to listen to his words of wisdom and spiritual revelation.

Mahavir looked perfectly normal. There was no sign of any tension or distress. He was extremely peaceful and sat on his usual preaching platform in lotus posture.
Suddenly his voice trailed off. His body began to stiffen in a slow motion. In a short time it had frozen into stillness.
Bhagwan Mahavir’s soul had shifted into the state of Nirvana. His karma phase had come to an end and he had become immortal as a legend.
The divided followers
Even during his life time Bhagwan Mahavir had created legions of his disciples and followers. His faithfuls were ever multiplying. Later, his followers got divided in two camps over some differences in beliefs regarding the events and the times of Bhagwan Mahavir’s life.
These two sects are known as Swetambers and Digambers. Both the sects show full faith in the teaching of Mahavir. The dissent is on some technical details.
Swetambers believe that his mother Trishala was Chetaka’s sister. The other sect says she was Chetaka’s daughter.
One sect believes Mahavir married Yashodhara and sired a daughter. The other sect claims that he never married and remained life long celibate.
One sect maintains he was initiated into the asceticism after the death of his parents. Other sect believes it happened during the life time of his parents.
One sect believes after gaining Kaivalya he stopped taking food. Other sect claims he continued to eat whenever necessary to stay alive.
One sect claim that for preaching Mahavir used the divine prophecies. Others believe he spoke from his mouth.
There are differences regarding his natal life stage as well.

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