No Work is Small

The students of Redcliffe School were very intelligent. They would be given various practical assignments to develop and reveal their capabilities. Once, the teachers handed each one of them a glass box, some sand and ten ants. They were to look after the ants. Fanny was a quiet and patient student. She took care of the ants, modified their house and fed them. The number of ants increased in Fanny’s box. They grew big and bustled around. Thinking this assignment to be silly, the other students at first neglected their ants. When they saw Fanny’s ant box with the happy, healthy ants, they were pleasantly surprised. Suddenly, they started taking good care of their ants. When the assignments were graded, the teachers found it slightly difficult to judge which ant box was the best. Of course, since Fanny had taken care of the ants the most, her ants were the biggest and the busiest. No wonder then, Fanny received the highest grade!

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